Sell your images with BGA

At BGA we work with both established and undiscovered photographers and designers. We know that no two homes look the same, and that there are as many tastes as there are homes.

This is how it works

In summary, it goes like this when you want to sell your images via us.

  • You create the images for posters
  • The files, print-ready, are uploaded on our site
  • You get your own page which introduces you and your images
  • The images are printed with each order
  • We print, pack and send the images to the customer
  • Any returns or damages are handled by our warehouse
  • Payment for your posters is paid out once a month

You own the copyright to your pictures and receive 30-50% of the profits from any posters sold

As a new designer with us the commission starts at 30%, and this grows later based on sales. The profits are defined as the sale price minus VAT, production costs and packaging. We set a fixed price per size together with you.