
We love to see products from BGA in real environments, and ask occasionally for permission to share pictures of them. The pictures may be published on our website, on social media, in emails, in shops and in adverts, with reference to the creator’s Instagram account.

By answering our request with the hashtag #yesBGA
you agree to the following:

You give BGA Group AB (org.nr. 556790-9204), a non-exclusive, royalty-free, permission to use all pictures that you publish with the tag @bgainspo, and for which you have answered #yesBGA (hereafter referred to as ”pictures”) in the galleries on our website, social media and emails. BGA can never, however, request ownership of your pictures, but have only the right to use them for marketing via its channels.

Herewith you certify and guarantee that (i) you own all rights to your pictures, or have the right to upload pictures according to the above (ii) you have acquired the permission of all persons who are visible and identifiable in your pictures, or such persons’ custodians, for their participation in marketing contexts for BGA (iii) you have acquired the permission of all persons who are visible and identifiable in your pictures, or such persons’ custodians, for transmission of personal information according to GDPR (iv) BGA’s use of your pictures will not violate a third party’s rights or reputation, or in any other way contravene any laws.